Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 2

Slept fairly good last night. Serenaded to sleep by an elk bugling in the distance. Not long after the tents zipped up, I heard a small mouse run through the campsite, scampering across my ground tarp. Not sure what time it is (don't care) but it's already fairly warm - at least the sun is. Breeze off the lake is still cool. Don't know what the plans are for today yet, but it should be a Good Day.

Been a good day so far. Went fishing this afternoon, caught a couple bass - have never caught a bass before. Don't think we're going to have a walleye meal this trip. Can't seem to find them. They boys paddled up to Jasper Lake today, and I took a dip in the lake while they were gone. Water's a little cool in spots, but not bad. Felt good to clean off. I'm enjoying the trip so far, but I'll be glad to get back home. Tonight's dinner was excellent - beef stew and raspberry crumble. Pretty darn good.

Lake is glass smooth tonight. Still no walleye, but had a fantastic evening of stargazing. Gonna sleep good tonight.

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